By: Staff Reporter

As one way of strengthening quality of education in Malawi, Leader of Enlighten Christian Gathering (ECG) Church Prophet Shepherd Bushiri has pledged to continue deriving various projects aimed at easing access to education in Malawi.

Prophet Bushiri made the remarks on Tuesday during the handover ceremony of Vwaza Community day Secondary school to government which he built through his humanitarian arm, Shepherd Bushiri  Foundation.

At the event Bushiri also announced to pay one term school fees for all students at the school in a bid of motivating parents to send their children to school.

Bushiri who grew up in Hewe, has also pledged to continue supporting Vwaza CDSS until it becomes a full boarding secondary school including the procurement of motorbikes for teachers who operate from far.

The school project will also see the construction of teachers houses, girls hostels and a football pitch.

The Prophet who is currently settling down in the country after jumping bail in South Africa where he is answering money laundering charges, also highlighted plans to invest more in the country.

Bushiri said; “I was in Rumphi District, Northern Malawi to officially handover to government, “Vwaza Secondary School”. I built this school for the communities surrounding the area.”

“I will be returning to the school, month end of February; to handover two teachers’ houses, a sports facility, as well as library books and laboratory equipment.”

He added; “During the visit, I will also take time to interact with all the learners enrolled at the school; to whom I have offered full bursaries to meet their school fees for this entire academic term.”

“The Lord encourages all of us to give. I am happy that through giving, I am sharing with the people of this area, the love of God”

Located in Traditional Authority Zolokere in Rumphi District the school was opened in 2018 with four blocks, laboratory and library.

Currently, the school has 56 Form Two students and 60 students are expected to start Form One in February.